Rhapsody Desktop Script error

At some point, Rhapsody (Windows 7) started popping error messages every time I did something in the GUI. Annoying.

Found this article that described a possibility of firewall or AV software.

I drilled into Internet Options, the Security tab, then looked at Trusted Sites. (Click the “Sites…” button.)

The offending URL was there, http://pagead.googlesyndication.com/. SO why is it failing?

Check the checkbox, “Require https for all zones”. This URL does NOT have https, so it is being blocked. Uncheck the box, and it now works fine.

It is still a risk that I had to disable the HTTPS option. But I don’t use IE anyway. It IS very annoying that Rhapsody DOES use IE as the basis for their application. Besides being non-portable, it stinks. I volunteer to rewrite it in Qt. For cash.

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